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Giving Back

We Love every minute of our journey

Support A Teacher

"Did you know that 96% of teachers purchase school supplies so their students don't go without? Studies show that most teachers spend $865 a year of their own money on classroom supplies. Unfortunately, this has become the norm. That’s because most states are providing less support for K-12 schools than ever before. And over half of public school students are low-income. This leaves a big resource gap in many classrooms. Kids just aren’t getting the materials they need to learn. Currently, this gap is being filled by teachers themselves, with 60% of all classroom supplies being purchased by teachers out of their own pockets." 

Help Kids Suceed

Teachers deserve our support. Teachers provide so much to our students. They change the lives of millions of children every day, and their work and impact extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom. That's why one of our objectives is to give teachers a hand and provide needed classroom materials so their students can succeed. When you attend any of our events, buy our products or participate in our raffles, you help us purchase school supplies for local area classrooms!

Become an Event Supporter (Vendor/Sponsor)

We Welcome Supporters at Our Events and on Our Podcast!

Benefits for becoming a Supporter are:

👉 A 90-second presentation at the front of the room (virtual or in-person) to discuss your business.

👉 Special Thanks on our Facebook page and website.

👉 Continental breakfast and lunch at the event you are sponsoring.

👉 A 6-foot table to display your information.

👉 One of your promotional items (i.e. keychain, book marker, flash drive, etc.) to be included in our swag bag.

👉 You can donate a raffle prize to be included in our raffle sales.

👉 Depending on what your product or service is, you may get on-site product sampling and product testimonial.*

If you would like to be a Supporter or if you would like to collaborate on other school supply fundraisers, pleaseContact Us and lets help kids succeed. 

To advertise on our podcast, visit our Services Page.

*Please note: We reserve the right to not promote your product or business.

**Refunds are NOT given for vendors table spots or podcast advertisers.

.✍️ Equipping U 4 Excellence

A Note of Praise!

We received this beautiful note and we are happy to share it with you:

“On our first day of school, our playground was loud and crowded as families were getting their little ones situated and lined up with their class. After I said good morning to my students, we said goodbye to the parents and began walking to our classroom. One of your members approached me and introduced herself above all the noise and chaos. She handed me a backpack full of supplies and said she wanted to support our school and education. I WAS STUNNED AND OVERJOYED at her generosity!!! Unfortunately, due to the noise and chaos and surprise, I did not hear well enough to get her name. I am TRULY GRATEFUL and would like to thank this angel personally. If there is any way to get a message to your members - please pass on my heartfelt THANK YOU!! What a wonderful surprise and terrific way to start off the school year!

Sincerely, Miss D., 2nd Grade Teacher”

THANK YOU everyone for your support! 💖 We surely could not do what we do without YOU! Much Love and Many Blessings!! 💖 

Thank You for the "Back to In-Person Learning" School Supply Donations!

We love supporting teachers. 🖍🍎📒 Thank you to everyone who participated in our "Back to in-person learning" school supply campaign. We are praying that our children have a safe and healthy learning environment. 😍 We are truly grateful for our wonderful Supporters for your many blessings! You ROCK! 🥰❤️

Giving Back in 2020! school May Look Different This Year, But We Are Happy to help! 

School looked different in 2020! Some students have returned to in-person learning, however many students are still at home learning remotely. But some things haven't changed—no matter how children are learning, they still need school supplies. Teachers are doing all they can to support their students in the classroom and from afar, and while some classrooms are virtual, the need for physical learning supplies is greater than ever. We are happy to give teachers a hand and provide needed school supplies so they can equip their students with distance learning resources so that their students can continue to participate in school from their homes.

Giving back in 2021!

Unfortunately, during the 2021/2022 school year teachers are expected to spend more out of pocket on classroom supplies than ever before. Teachers spend an average of $750 of their own money each year so their students can succeed.

We are happy to give teachers a hand and provide needed school supplies so they can equip their students with learning resources so that their students can succeed.

We are praying that our children have a safe and healthy learning environment. 😍 

Giving Back in 2023!

Thank You for Helping Us Help Teachers!

Support a Classroom. Build A Future. 

Teachers and students need your support more than ever. 

Teachers are working harder than ever before to support students after the pandemic. 

Thank you for helping students get the supplies they deserve.

Thank You for Doing Business With Us!

We know you have many choices in doing business and we THANK YOU for choosing us! Thank you for helping us meet our objective to give teachers a hand and provide needed classroom materials so their students can succeed.

Here are a few ways you can support us:

• Purchase products/services

• Become an Event Supporter (vendor/sponsor)

• Make a donation for school supply purchases

• Collaborate on school supply fundraisers

• Advertise with us

Become a supporter and you may be selected to receive a FREE tote bag. We appreciate your kindness! Sorry, these totes are not for sale. 

Thank you for thinking of others and taking the time to be kind! 

All school supply donations and/or investments for vendor spots and sponsorships are Final!

No Refunds are Given!!

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